Replaceing missing teeth with Bridges
Bridges are able to replace missing teeth at the front of your mouth and the back of your mouth.
Types of Bridges
Here at SH Dental we endeavour to follow the latest guidelines produced from peer reviewed evidence and as such regular dental check ups are recommended from between 3 months to 2 years. This interval is dictated by individual risk factors and needs of each individual patient. Your dentist will recommend the appropriate time for you to see us next.
At Routine Examinations we carry out examinations of the outside of your head and neck and the inside of your mouth. Our dentist carry out routine cancer screening at all dental examinations, check the health of your teeth, gums, jaw and the muscles around your mouth.
Routine X-rays may be needed depending on personal risk factors, routine X-rays are indicated between 6-24 months depending on your individual risks.