Teeth Whitening
How do we whiten Teeth
At Sedgemead House, our preferred method for teeth whitening involves custom-made at-home whitening trays tailored specifically for each individual. We have chosen this technique due to its ability to consistently deliver excellent results while minimizing any potential sensitivity issues.
It takes 3 appointments to have your teeth whitened along with 2-3 weeks of at home whitenning. On the first appointment we take impressions of your teeth, provide desensatising toothpastes and discuss the process with you. Then after 2 weeks your trays will have been made by our lab. After we have whitened your teeth we like to review the teeth and gums to make sure that we have provided you with the results you desired.
We use a mixture of 10-16% carbide Peroxide and hydrogen peroxide to produce reliable aesthetic results to brighten your smile.
Before we provide aesthetic treatment such as teeth whitening we require a full examination to determine if this is treatment will work for you.
What can you Expect from Teeth whitening?
Teeth Whitening works fantastically well to brighten your smile predictable, but for some people we can predict shortfalls in whitening. Your Dentist will discuss these with you and highlight any predictable areas which may not whiten as your might expect.
Teeth do not whiten evenly all the time, it depends on enamel thickness.
Roots of teeth do not whiten and remain the same colour
Fillings,Crown, Veneers do not whiten
Sensitivity which may prevent further Whitening
Gradient of colour with teeth not whitening as much close to the gums due to thinner Enamel